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Leading Your Sales Team

It's more than just managing the numbers.

Ultimately, you're the one who's accountable.

Upper management sets goals, which you may have little or no voice in determining, or accepting. However challenging or even unrealistic those goals may be, they now belong to you.

Your job is not to sell; it is to coach, mentor, and motivate, and to hold others accountable.

You must now rely on your sales team to achieve the goals you once achieved for yourself.

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Learn five strategies you can do today that will positively impact those you manage.

As a supervisor, coach or mentor, there are numerous opportunities each day to give—a helping hand, words of encouragement, advice or counsel. When you contribute to others, others contribute to you.

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Sandler-trained sales managers:

  • Know how to recognise and resolve conflicts quickly and effectively
  • Know how to communicate clearly with their sales teams whether it’s during one-to-one conversations, coaching sessions, sales call debriefings, or group sales meetings
  • Understand the requirement of the various roles they play and know when to assume each role and how to carry it out effectively
  • Keep their teams' focus and behaviours aligned with the tasks at hand and the achievement of corporate and department goals

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Insight and tips on current sales, sales management, leadership and management topics. We invite you to comment on our posts and to pass them on to your colleagues.

You can't transform a team or an organisation until you've transformed yourself.

Sandler trainer Dave Arch's book, Transforming Leaders The Sandler Way, offers a user-friendly, graphically-driven guide to the 52 critical leadership lessons that support great careers and great teams. A full-colour card deck supports the book.

Get the tools to help you build, motivate and lead a high-performing sales team.